The Commission on Children was established by the Government on 1 June 2018 to address the diversified issues related to children. It is an on-going, action-oriented and high-level advisory body which provides overall steer on children initiatives; sets policy directions, strategies and priorities related to the development and advancement of children; and oversees its implementation. The Commission co-ordinates the efforts of various government bureaux and departments, teams up with different sectors and professions in society to safeguard the well-being of children and builds a pro-child and inclusive Hong Kong.
Since its establishment, the Commission has been executing its functions through four working groups set up under the Commission to undertake specific areas of work, including children protection, children with specific needs, research and development, and promotion of children's rights and development, public education and engagement.
The Commission conducts public engagement activities on specific themes at regular intervals to canvass the views of various stakeholders and children on an extensive range of child-related issues. The Commission also has launched the Funding Scheme for Children's Well-being and Development to support various promotional and public educational projects for promoting the interests, well-being and development of children.
The Players
Project objectives:
To clarify the perception of the importance of sports and play in the physical and mental development of children, and strengthen the awareness of the public and caregivers thereof; and to encourage spontaneous and regular play and exercise with children;
To create quality parent-child time and enhance children’s interest and motivation in sports through the combination of newly emerged sports, adventure games and parent-child elements; and
To promote and foster inter-generational integration, and to build the habit of doing exercise together among the core family members and across generation (grandparents and children) through newly emerged sports.
Target Participants:
Primary and secondary school students aged 5 – 15, their parents and primary caregivers (including grandparents), and the general public.
We are honored to once again obtain funding from the Commission on Children to launch a two-year project with the theme " Promoting healthy and happy childhood." This project aims to benefit more parents and family caregivers in the community. The planned activities include parent talk, sports training, fun day, and parent-child experience camp.