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Child Development Fund


       The Child Development Fund (CDF), founded in 2008, is a tripartite, cross-sector collaboration among the community and family, the business sector and the Government. CDF aims to support longer-term development of children from a disadvantaged background, with a view to alleviating inter-generational poverty.

       CDF funds projects operated by non-governmental organisations and schools throughout the territory. These projects seek to encourage children to plan for their future, develop a savings habit, and accumulate intangible assets such as positive attitudes, personal resilience, social networks, etc., which are all useful attributes for future development.

      Each project comprises three key components, namely Personal Development Plan, Targeted Savings and Mentorship. Training and value-added activities are also provided to participating children, their parents and mentors to help cultivate a supportive environment for the children's personal development.

Dream Come True 2020

  • "Dreams Come True 2020" not only allows students to start using matching funds, purchase materials and enrol in courses for their dreams, and practice the personal development plans that have been planned, but we also hope that students, parents and mentors, can participate in the fundraising part together, and work hard for your own matching fund and the fundraising goal of this plan. Therefore, we organized an e-bike fundraising competition for the participants, so that everyone could complete the fundraising goal of 72 kilometres together to raise funds for this project.

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